Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Microsoft Ad #2

From the word on the net these ads are leading towards something;

I'm not quite sure what they're leading towards though.

Some of the speculation suggests that they may be targeting the techy crowd. There's a number of references that hardcore Apple geeks may get like the annoying Grandma living with this family for 12 years which is the same amount of time that Steve Jobs has been with Apple since his return in 1996.

There's a few references like this but I get the feeling that even for this crowd most of the references are going to be too subtle. When you get down to it the message that is going to be put over to the bulk of the audience is that Bill and Jerry are so rich that they have no real understanding of how "normal" people live.

As for the suggestion that it's targeting the techy crowd, the vast bulk of them are probably too smart to be tempted to try Windows by advertising like this.

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